1. Successful percutaneous treatment of perinatal complete left coronary thrombotic occlusion.
  2. Outcomes of coronary artery obstructions after the arterial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries.
  3. Type 3 long QT syndrome: is the effectiveness of treatment with beta-blockers population-specific? 
  4. Diagnosis of Menke-Hennekam syndrome by prenatal whole exome sequencing and review of prenatal signs.
  5. Management for atrial arrhythmias in adults with complex congenital heart disease.
  6. Sudden cardiac arrest in adult congenital heart disease: a challenge to be tackled.
  7. Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators in Patients With Congenital Heart Disease.
  8. Rationale and Design of the Multicenter Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia Before Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Study.
  9. Sinus rhythm QRS morphology reflects right ventricular activation and anatomical ventricular tachycardia isthmus conduction in repaired tetralogy of Fallot.
  10. Ventricular Arrhythmias in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease, Part I: JACC State-of-the-Art Review.
  11. Ventricular Arrhythmias in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease, Part II: JACC State-of-the-Art Review.
  12. Cerebral embolic protection during transcatheter stent expansion of restrictive extra-cardiac Fontan conduit.
  13. Outcomes of aortic valve repair in children stratified by complexity: Which outcome for which lesion?
  14. Infant congenital heart disease prevalence and mortality in French Guiana: a population-based study.
  15. Lack of association between classical HLA genes and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. 
  16. Subcutaneous anakinra in the management of refractory MIS-C in France.
  17. Postnatal outcome following fetal aortic valvuloplasty for critical aortic stenosis.
  18. Three-Decade Experience with Management of Coronary Artery Fistulas in Children. 
  19. Postoperative catheter thrombaspiration to open an occluded right ventricle-to-pulmonary artery conduit in child.
  20. Increased aortic pressures and pulsatile afterload components promote concentric left ventricular remodeling in adults with transposition of the great arteries and arterial switch operation.
  21. Successful percutaneous treatment of perinatal complete left coronary thrombotic occlusion.
  22. Renal function after ductus arteriosus transcatheter closure with or without angiography in very preterm infants.
  23. Early hybrid cardiac rehabilitation in congenital heart disease: the QUALIREHAB trial.
  24. Gain-of-function human UNC93B1 variants cause systemic lupus erythematosus and chilblain lupus.
  25. Endomyocardial biopsy: safety and prognostic utility in paediatric and adult myocarditis in the European Society of Cardiology EURObservational Research Programme Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis Long-Term Registry.
  26. Predicting Long-Term Childhood Survival of Newborns with Congenital Heart Defects: A Population-Based, Prospective Cohort Study (EPICARD).
  27. Prophylactic Pulmonary Artery Banding in Pediatric Dilated Cardiomyopathy: An Additional Therapeutic Option.
  28. Pulmonary vascular phenotype identified in patients with GDF2 (BMP9) or BMP10variants: an international multicentre study.
  29. Cardiomyopathies in children and adolescents: aetiology, management, and outcomes in the European Society of Cardiology EURObservational Research Programme Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis Registry.
  30. Application of a modified clinical classification for pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital heart disease in children: emphasis on atrial septal defects and transposition of the great arteries. An analysis from the TOPP registry.
  31. Neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm and growth-restricted neonate with congenital heart defect: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 
  32. Long-term results after the réparation à l'étage ventriculaire procedure for transposition of the great arteries and double-outlet right ventricle with pulmonary stenosis. 
  33. Human Genetics of d-Transposition of Great Arteries.
  34. Ventricular Septal Defects: Molecular Pathways and Animal Models. 
  35. Doppler echocardiography for surveillance of acute cardiac allograft rejection: a 28-year single-center experience.
  36. Organisation of paediatric echocardiography laboratories and governance of echocardiography services and training in Europe: current status, disparities and potential solutions. A survey from the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC) imaging working group.
  37. Prevalence and Significance of Rare Genetic Variants in AKAP9 in Inherited Cardiac Diseases.
  38. Pulmonary Hypertension Induced by Right Pulmonary Artery Occlusion: Hemodynamic Consequences of Bmpr2 Mutation.
  39. Atrial Flow Regulator Implantation for Interatrial Shunt Patency in 12 Infants ≤ 5 kg: A Pilot Study.
  40. Systematic analysis of SCN5A variants associated with inherited cardiac diseases.
  41. Prediction of Positive Genetic Testing for Arrhythmogenic Left Ventricular Cardiomyopathy.
  42. BeGraft Aortic Stents: A European Multi-Centre Experience Reporting Acute Safety and Efficacy Outcomes for the Treatment of Vessel Stenosis in Congenital Heart Diseases.
  43. Embracing the challenges of neonatal and paediatric pulmonary hypertension.
  44. Impact of the transpulmonary pressure on right ventricle impairment incidence during acute respiratory distress syndrome: a pilot study in adults and children.
  45. Clinical impact of genetic testing in a large cohort of pediatric cardiomyopathies.
  46. Lymphatic Disorder Management in Pediatric Patients With Congenital Heart Disease in European Pediatric Cardiology Centers: Current Status, Disparities, and Future Considerations. 
  47. Pulmonary hypertension in patients carrying FLNA loss-of-function variants. 
  48. Clinical impact of circulating biomarkers in prediction of adverse cardiac events in patients with congenital heart disease. A systematic review.
  49. Device Closure of Hemodynamically Significant Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Infants. 
  50. Do we need to change names to better understand hearts with deficient ventricular septation?
  51. CMR Predictors of Ventricular Arrhythmias Inducibility Before Pulmonary Valve Replacement in Tetralogy of Fallot.
  52. An exceptional anomaly of the coronary venous drainage: anatomic description.
  53. Beyond genomic studies of congenital heart defects through systematic modelling and phenotyping.
  54. Acute respiratory failure due to pulmonary exacerbation in children with cystic fibrosis admitted in a pediatric intensive care unit: outcomes and factors associated with mortality.
  55. Characteristics and outcomes of patients developing pulmonary hypertension associated with proteasome inhibitors.
  56. Dietary intake and glutamine-serine metabolism control pathologic vascular stiffness.
  57. Evidence and unresolved questions in pulmonary hypertension: Insights from the 5th French Pulmonary Hypertension Network Meeting.
  58. Deep phenotyping of unaffected carriers of pathogenic BMPR2 variants screened for pulmonary arterial hypertension. 
  59. Pulmonary hypertension associated with Trastuzumab-Emtansine: an analysis of French PH registry and WHO pharmacovigilance database.
  60. Active learning for extracting rare adverse events from electronic health records: A study in pediatric cardiology.
  61. Interventional Treatment of Acute Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Infectious Endocarditis: A Bridge to Surgical or Percutaneous Pulmonary Valve Replacement.
  62. Covered Stent Correction for Sinus Venosus Atrial Septal Defects, an Emerging Alternative to Surgical Repair: Results of an International Registry.
  63. The particular anatomy of atrioventricular septal defect with a common valvar orifice in patients with Down syndrome: an echocardiographic study.
  64. Neonatal Giant Cardiac Fibroma With Coronary Involvement: Successful Surgical Treatment.
  65. Balloon atrioseptostomy for transposition of the great arteries in Europe: characteristics and outcomes.
  66. Treat-and-repair: a simple but powerful term for a complex multimodal approach in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital heart disease.
  67. Circulatory response to exercise relative to oxygen uptake assessed in the follow-up of patients with fatty acid beta-oxidation disorders.
  68. Infants With a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Had Favourable Pulmonary Hypertension Outcomes at 1 Year of Age.
  69. Implications of right aortic arch prenatal diagnosis: the multicentric nationwide ARCADE cohort. 
  70. Cyanosis period: A key factor influencing exercise cardiac performance after Fontan procedure.
  71. Virological characterization of Parvovirus B19 isolated during the atypical 2023-2024 outbreak in France.